Thursday, March 20, 2025

MI Freedom Center One Millionth Guest News

One Millionth Milestone GALA EVENT

Please Join Us at the Elegant and Historic Saint John's Resort in Plymouth

This version updates the date and time of our event... we heard back from some supporters that the graphic showing such details did not come through for everyone. We apologize for the technology glitch...

Please join us April 21 at 6:00 p.m. as we celebrate together our

One Millionth Guest Milestone,

and learn more about our future plans. 

Dinner, appetizers, drinks, entertainment of Scottish Bagpipes and more.

Tickets: $175 each, $300 pair

Advance Registration required.

Please contact Cathy at:

Attire: Business, red, white and blue

Those wishing to learn about sponsorships

contact Tom Lang at:

Photo caption: Freedom Center founder Ken Pratt (left) thanks volunteer Len Rose for his continuous service at the military lounge since its opening in 2011. Celebration event MC and Board member Mike (Tiger) Greiger at the podium.

As we have shared, if your home had one million visitors over the years, it would likely look a little tired and worn and in need of sprucing up.

This fundraiser is to support our Troops past and current.

Michigan Armed Forces Hospitality Center/aka MI Freedom Center

2581 World Gateway Place

Detroit, MI 48242