Friday, April 26, 2019

American Cancer Society Relay for Life sponsored by Delta

Help Fight Cancer at Relay for Life
Dear Freedom Center Supporter,
Most of us, including myself, know someone impacted by cancer. Our founding sponsor of the MI Freedom Center, Delta, has teamed up with the American Cancer Society to fight back against this terrible disease. In support of this fight, they are hosting a Relay for Life at DTW on Wednesday, May 15, 2019.

We at the Freedom Center have a choice to join them in this fight. In fact, we have formed a team of Freedom Center volunteers along with myself called the Freedom Fighters to participate in this event. If you would like to join us, please click the button below.
Mary O'Hara has graciously volunteered to lead our team. Will you join her?
What happens at the Relay for Life?
  • 8:15-9:00 WAKE UP vs. GET UP LAP- Are you just waking up-dress in your pajamas, robe, have your alarm clock, rollers, bonnet, pillow etc. or did you get up-dress in your work or school uniform, business attire, sweats, coffee in hand, clipboard, phone, etc.
  • 9:00-9:45 LAP FOR a CAUSE- Please wear your favorite color that represents a cancer you are fighting for or passionate about. You can have shirts, information or banners explaining the cancer you are representing.
  • 9:45-10:30 MARVEL vs DC COMIC LAP- Who's your favorite comic between the two? Is it a superhero or a villain? Whichever you chose, dress up like your favorite character.
  • 10:30-11:30 DETROIT vs. EVERYBODY LAP– Are you for Detroit or are you for someone one else. Whatever it may be, REP your city!
  • 12:00-12:30 CAREGIVER & SURVIVOR LAP- Join us in a lap in honor of our survivors and caregivers who have assisted them. At 12:30, caregivers and survivors will attend a Luncheon in the ESC room.
  • 12:30-13:15 WOLVERINE vs. SPARTY LAP- Blue vs. Green… do we need to say anymore. Sport your favorite team-shirts, hats, banners, etc.
  • 13:15-14:00 PURPLE vs. HUSTLE LAP-Grab your dancing shoes and meet us at the fountain. Hustle around the fountain giving a $5 donation.
  • Also, please dress in purple to celebrate loved ones affected by cancer. Purple is Relay for Life signature color!
  • 14:00-14:45 SINGERS vs. SYNCERS LAP- Every team must sing for a point! Are you a good singer or better at lip syncing? Let's test your vocals during this lap.
  • 14:45-15:30 FACE vs MASK LAP- We want to see your best face painting or mask during this lap.
  • 15:30 CLEAN UP
  • 16:00 IT'S A WRAP!!!!!!!
Plus, if you are particularly adventurous and/or talented, signup for DTW's GOT TALENT to showcase your skills and have some fun!
Please contact Mary O'Hara at for further information.
Thank you for your continued support of our guests!
Honored to serve,
Patrick Colbeck
MI Freedom Center, CEO
Michigan Armed Forces Hospitality Center, Inc. | 824 N. Capitol Ave, Lansing, MI 48906
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